The Invention of Telephone

When you're learning about something new, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of relevant information available. This informative article should help you focus on the central points. This article explains a few things about telephone, sound waves, electromagnet waves, transmitter, receiver and if you're interested, then this is worth reading, because you can never tell what you don't know.

The Invention
Having found that a message can be sent through an electromagnetic waves,  some scientists wondered whether  a sound  message  can also be sent through a wire. A scientist named Alexander Graham Bell finally managed to create a tool that can deliver sound messages. The tool that we've known as the Telephone. There's no need to write about how Bell invented the telephone because there has been so many articles about it. Let's focus on the telephone itself.

How does a telephone work?
Telephone has two important components to send and to receive messages. To send a sound message requires a Transmitter to change the sound into a varying electric currents. To receive sounds needed a tool called Receiver that converts varying electric currents, which transmitter has sent, into sound.

In the previous article about Echo, it has been explained that when we make a sound then our vocal chord will vibrate and release sound waves. If the sound waves are received by our ears then we will be able to hear the sound. In the telephone, our sound waves are changed into varying electric currents. When we speak, our sound waves strike a disk of thin metal in the telephone transmitter. Our sound waves make this disk vibrate and change this vibrate into pattern of electric currents. This electric currents have the same pattern as the vibrations of the disk and the vibrations of the disk has the same pattern as our sound chord vibrations / our sound waves. The electric current travels along a wire and changed back into sound by the receiver. But how?

The receiver has two main parts : an electromagnet and a thin disk of iron. when electricity passes through the electromagnet, the electromagnet attracts the iron disk. When the current stops, the disk will spring back. Varying of electric current will make the disk move back and forth or vibrate. Because the electric current has the same pattern with our sound waves so the disk will vibrate in the same pattern. As the disk vibrates, the disk will make sound waves with that pattern. Finally, our ears will catch that sound waves and translate it into sounds. That is how we can hear the sound through a telephone.

Hopefully this articles above has contributed to your understanding about telephone and how it works.  So never stop reading, never stop learning, and never stop sharing with others.