The Making of a Cloud into a Rain Drop

If you have ever been on the beach,  you probably noticed that  you felt warmer or hotter on the beach than when you were in the water. This means that the air over the beach is warmer than the air over the water.  The warmer air over the beach rises, goes up like invisible smoke. The warmer air rises because the cooler air from over the water flows in and pushes it up and becomes a cloud.

A cloud is made up of tiny droplets of water, hanging in the air and it is made from condensed water vapor.  You might wonder why these water droplets stay up in the sky. Well, remember that they are in rising air. The droplets are so small and light that all the rising air can keep them from falling. Indeed, the rising air may sweep them up higher and build a towering cloud.

A cloud is a collection of tiny droplets of water. They are so tiny that it would take about one hundred of them side by side to reach across the head of a pin. It takes a million cloud droplets to make one raindrop. the tiny droplets moving about in the rising air come together  to make larger droplets. The larger droplet is heavier than the small ones. It starts to fall. As the larger droplets falls, it collides with more small droplets. These collisions make a larger droplet larger still and becomes a raindrop.

The raindrop may have still more collisions as it falls. It may get still bigger, so big that it cannot go on as one raindrop. It breaks into smaller drops. Each of these smaller drops now has collisions with droplets, and starts growing. It is a kind of chain reaction. One drop leads to others, and others, and others. At last some drops fall out of the cloud and fall to the ground. It is raining.

But there is another way in how a cloud making raindrops. The droplets may be carried so high by the rising air that they are turned to crystal of ice. The air has to be very cold for this freezing to happen. These crystal of ice get larger and larger, they get heavier and begin to fall through the cloud. As they fall, the crystals of ice get into warmer air. If the air is warm enough, they melt and become raindrops. If the air is not warm enough, the crystals fall to the ground without melting, and you will see these crystal of ice falling from the sky or you will see a snow...

If you want to make your own cloud, watch this video and have some fun experiment: