The Making of a Cloud into a Rain Drop

If you have ever been on the beach,  you probably noticed that  you felt warmer or hotter on the beach than when you were in the water. This means that the air over the beach is warmer than the air over the water.  The warmer air over the beach rises, goes up like invisible smoke. The warmer air rises because the cooler air from over the water flows in and pushes it up and becomes a cloud.

A cloud is made up of tiny droplets of water, hanging in the air and it is made from condensed water vapor.  You might wonder why these water droplets stay up in the sky. Well, remember that they are in rising air. The droplets are so small and light that all the rising air can keep them from falling. Indeed, the rising air may sweep them up higher and build a towering cloud.

A cloud is a collection of tiny droplets of water. They are so tiny that it would take about one hundred of them side by side to reach across the head of a pin. It takes a million cloud droplets to make one raindrop. the tiny droplets moving about in the rising air come together  to make larger droplets. The larger droplet is heavier than the small ones. It starts to fall. As the larger droplets falls, it collides with more small droplets. These collisions make a larger droplet larger still and becomes a raindrop.

The raindrop may have still more collisions as it falls. It may get still bigger, so big that it cannot go on as one raindrop. It breaks into smaller drops. Each of these smaller drops now has collisions with droplets, and starts growing. It is a kind of chain reaction. One drop leads to others, and others, and others. At last some drops fall out of the cloud and fall to the ground. It is raining.

But there is another way in how a cloud making raindrops. The droplets may be carried so high by the rising air that they are turned to crystal of ice. The air has to be very cold for this freezing to happen. These crystal of ice get larger and larger, they get heavier and begin to fall through the cloud. As they fall, the crystals of ice get into warmer air. If the air is warm enough, they melt and become raindrops. If the air is not warm enough, the crystals fall to the ground without melting, and you will see these crystal of ice falling from the sky or you will see a snow...

If you want to make your own cloud, watch this video and have some fun experiment:

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The growth of a green plant

Do you really know how a green plant can grow? Some people thought they knew the answer already. Some people might say the answer is because we give water to the plant, or because of the sun, or because the plant takes substances from the soil to grow. None of these answer is wrong, but still cannot explain how. In this article, we will start an easy learning about how a green plant grows.

The first investigation about a green plant was set up by a Belgian scientist named Jan van Helmot in the year of 1605. He found that a willow tree took substances from the soil to grow. He found that plants needed water to dissolve the substances in the soil.

Green plants take two kinds of substances from the soil. One is called Nitrates, which are compounds of Nitrogen and Oxygen. The other one is called Phosphates, compounds of Phosphorus and Oxygen. Different kinds of plant needs different amount of these substances. As a green plant grows, the substances in the soil will be decreasing. That is why we need Fertilizers as an addition substances to be put back in the soil.

First investigation had proven that green plants need water to dissolve the substances, that is why we need to water the plant. But after many investigation, it was found that green plants also use substances that they took from the air, called Carbon Dioxide. Green plants can make foods for their lives such as sugars and starches from carbon dioxide and water.

But not only that, green plants also need heat and light to make food from substances dissolved in water and from Carbon Dioxide in the air. The heat and light that green plants need is come from the Sun.

Now we know what makes green plants grow. The information presented above will do one of two things: either it will reinforce what you know about  or it will teach you something new. Both are good outcomes.

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The Background of Perfume And Fragrances

Perfumes have been used since Egyptian times, and come in many different scents, formulas, and brands. The power of perfume and fragrances is often felt, as scent is a trigger of memories and feeling. This article discusses the basics of what makes up perfumes, and the different types of smells that are known in perfumery world.

There is science and art behind the chemistry of a well made fragrance. It is not designed to be smelled one time, especially not directly from a bottle spray. The best way to experience the full potential of the bouquet is to spray it on a piece of paper, and hold onto it for at least thirty minutes. Through this time, take notice of the notes to fully know all smells the brand provides.

What you are looking for after spraying a sample spritz are three distinct aroma notes. The first note is called a top note, because it is the initial scent you notice right after the first spray. This should eventually lead to the heart note, which is the main smell of the fragrance. This first scent should last the longest. As the scent fades you smell the final note, which is less potent than the heart note.

The different types of fragrance are divided into something called the fragrance wheel. The fragrance wheel is split into four varieties of scent, floral, oriental, woody, and fresh. These four scents are distinguished from each other for moods they set, and appropriate times of day to wear each particular type.

The florals are known as romantic, girly, and luxurious scents. They do best for everyday, daytime wear. Orientals are richer in smell, and often associated with mature, professional women. They are usually worn during evening events. Fresh smells are suitable for every day, and not as distinctive as florals or orientals. They are often worn by young people who aren't looking for an overwhelming smell. Woody scents are traditionally associated with men cologne, as they have a musky, masculine smell.

The people who design and create perfumes are called perfumers, and they are involved in a very complex and precise process. The different scents combine to create the notes of a fragrance, and of these scents perfumers choose and pick the primary scents, modifiers, blenders and fixatives .

The source of fragrance smell is often very potent and highly concentrated, and may be abrasive to the skin. In order to have perfumes that have different strengths, there are general rules for formulations available. If you look at a bottle of perfume, you will often notice it says one of these things: eau de cologne, which is two to five percent potent scent, eau de toilette, which is made up at five to twenty percent, eau de parfum, ten to thirty percent potent, or perfume extract, which the strongest scent at twenty to forty percent.

Having a signature scent isn't to hard, especially since, due to body chemistry, perfume and fragrances smell different on everyone. It may take a little time to find a brand and type you like best, but now you know a little bit on the background of perfume making and what goes into creating a bottle of fragrance.

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